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Schedule a call with EDUTRUST

Let's Talk about Education Benefits for Membership Organizations

You're ready to reach out to our team if:

  • You are a benefit manager for your organization
  • You are considering providing access to discounted college programs to your members

Our first call typically takes 45 minutes, and we cover:

  • Our current list of programs and college/university partners to determine level of interest for your members.
  • Our 2024 network growth plan so you can understand the programs that we plan to add to the network.
  • The application process to provide this benefit to your members.


"This is a turn-key benefit delivered by a team that's easy to work with. Our members love the new college benefit!"

Schedule 60 minutes to learn more about whether your membership organization and our network are a good fit for each other.


If you'd rather start our conversation via email, fill out the short form below: